When you’re an up-and-coming actor, your main goal is to be noticed. You want casting directors to sit up and pay attention when you walk into an audition room, but with so many talented female commercial actors out there, how do you set yourself apart from the crowd? With a little strategy and creativity, of course.
InnoVision Talent Agency (ITA) is fortunate to work with talented female commercial actors every day. We know this industry takes more than just talent; it takes grit, determination, and fortitude. We’re invested in our talent’s success and want to help them take their career to the next level. So we’ve gathered together a few of our top tips and tricks.
Here are five ways to stand out from the pack at your next commercial casting call:
1. Own Your Look
Do you have a distinct personal look and style? If not, you may be blending in with the crowd. Standing out is a real challenge when you look just like everyone else. Take a moment and think about what you can do to set your look apart from other female commercial actors. That doesn’t mean you should run out and dye your hair purple—unless that’s your preferred style—but you should adopt a look that is uniquely your own.
Look around at everyone else the next time you’re at a commercial audition. What do they have in common? Is everyone sporting a similar hairstyle, for instance? If so, think about how you can change yours in a way that suits you better. Find a haircut that complements your face shape and reflects your unique personal style. You want something that will make you memorable so they say, “Remember the woman with the great haircut?”
Don’t simply follow whatever you think is “in” at the moment. Trends continuously evolve over time. Owning who you are, on the other hand, is timeless.
Remember that you should be comfortable with any changes you make to your look. Feeling comfortable in your skin is the best way to feel confident at an audition, so embrace what makes you different from the crowd while being true to yourself.
2. Dress the Part
Casting directors want to cast someone who is convincing in the role. So leave little to the imagination when it comes to your commercial audition. Dress and look the part so casting directors can see what you would like if they cast you in the role rather than how you could be transformed to fit the part.
For instance, say you’re in your mid-twenties, but you play younger so you’ve been called in to audition for the role of a college sophomore. You wouldn’t want to walk in dressed in business attire because that is not how most college students dress. A laid-back look like jeans and a T-shirt would better fit the bill instead.
With that in mind, try to find as much information as possible about the project and the role you’re reading for before the audition. Looking the part and being as prepared as possible will give you a significant edge over your competition.
3. Put the Product First
Keep in mind that you’re the vehicle for selling the product. While your goal should always be to wow the casting directors, the true aim of a commercial audition is to showcase the product in a way that will make people want to buy it. So always put that product front and center.
For instance, if you’re up for a role in a pizza commercial, you’ll want to show the casting directors that you love digging into that slice. If you’re auditioning for a furniture store commercial, your reaction should show how comfortable you feel kicking back on that couch.
Remember to showcase the product in the best possible light. If you keep the focus on how you can make the product shine, you’ll shine through as well.
4. Make Memorable Choices
If you don’t have fun doing it, no one will have fun watching you. Embrace that motto when you go into an audition room. Have fun with the script. See how you can get creative and make memorable moments and choices.
It could be a facial reaction, how you deliver a one-liner, or how you play off other auditioning actors. Think of how you can differentiate yourself from others while being genuine and authentic in your delivery.
Be bold with your choices. Take risks and chances. It’s the best way to make your audition stand out. If your read sounds just like everyone else’s, you’re less likely to be remembered among countless others. Focus on having fun, being fully committed to your choices, and getting a little creative so your audition truly resonates.
5. Follow Up
One of the best ways for commercial actors to stand out at casting calls is also one of the easiest: be polite and courteous. Read the room when you enter. Do the casting directors want to chat and get to know you? Or do they want you to go straight into your read? Always be respectful and attentive. Listen to the direction you’re given and make the appropriate adjustments if you’re asked to deliver the read a bit differently.
After the audition, send a note or a postcard to the casting director thanking them for their time. Regardless of whether you book this particular role, casting directors will take note of you in the future because of your professionalism. Mailing a thank you note takes just a few minutes, and it could be all you need to make a lasting impression.
Follow these tips, and you’ll be well on your way to commercial acting success. Looking for an agent to help get you auditions and manage your career? InnoVision Talent Agency can help. Explore our website and apply to join our roster and see how we can help your career take off.