If you want to pursue an acting career, you may have checked out a few San Diego acting agencies. But with so many to choose from, how do you select the right one? And how do you get a talent agent interested in signing you in the first place?
You’ve come to the right place to find out. InnoVision Talent Agency has a unique, fresh approach to talent representation. We’ll walk you through the process of reaching out to San Diego acting agencies and what to know before signing with one.
Do Your Research
In today’s world, scammers abound. To find an agency in San Diego, you must do your research and only meet with reputable San Diego acting agencies. Making the wrong choice in agencies could result in a loss of time and money, putting your dreams behind from the start.
How will you know if an acting agency is legit? For starters, all California acting agencies must be licensed according to the California Talent Agencies Act. You can run a talent agency license search through the Labor Commissioners Office to confirm that the talent agency is licensed according to state law. If you dont have the license number, you should be able to request it directly from the talent agency. If they wont give it to you, take your search elsewhere.
In addition to verifying that the agency is licensed, you can also check its history. For instance, you can view whether the talent agency has had any license denials, revocations or suspensions and whether the agency has been involved in any past legal cases.
Once you’ve confirmed that the agency is licensed, you should also look at client reviews. By reading these, you can see how current and former clients have rated their experiences with the agency.
Above all, remember that you should refrain from meeting with someone claiming to be an agent in a private setting, like someone’s home. Always confirm that the agency is licensed, check online reviews and agree only to meetings held in a business location or other professional setting.
Submit Your Materials
Once you have a list of agencies you want to work with, it’s time to submit your materials. Each agency will likely want your headshot and a link to your reel if you’re seeking acting representation.
Visit each agency’s website to learn about their submission process and the type of materials they want you to submit. Some may have an online application you can fill out to be considered for representation. Others may want you to submit your headshot and resume by mail.
If you cannot find any information about the agency’s submission process online, call the agency, inform them you are seeking representation and inquire about the best way to submit your materials. However, its important to check the website first for submission guidelines since many agencies specify “no phone calls.”
If the agency is interested in learning more about you, you will hear back from an agency representative who will likely want to schedule an in-person meeting. If you do not hear back, you can follow up with the agency later. Don’t forget to check whether the agency specifies any sort of waiting period before resubmitting your materials.
Prepare for the Interview
If you do hear back from an agency interested in setting up an in-person meeting, you’ve just jumped a major hurdle toward representation. Congratulations! Now, it’s time to start preparing for the interview.
Be ready to answer questions about your career goals, recent work and any current or past representation. Likewise, you should also prepare a list of questions for the agency. After all, the interview goes both ways. Just as their agents are interviewing you to see if you’re the right fit for their agency, you should also interview them to see whether they are the right agency for you.
While it may be tempting to sign with the first agency to express interest, you should carefully consider whether signing with a particular agency is a smart career move. For instance, it may be good to understand the agency’s size (boutique, midsized or large), how many clients of your type the agency represents and what type of communication you can expect from them. The more information you have, the easier it will be to make the right decision.
Understand Your Contract
Understanding your contract is an essential step and cannot be underestimated. If an agency is interested in representing you, you may be expected to sign a contract. While many people do not enjoy reading the fine print, it’s an essential part of the process. A contract is usually legally binding, so make sure that you fully understand its terms. If you do not understand one or more of the clauses in your contract, you may want to consult with an attorney.
If you decide to review the contract on your own, keep a few things in mind. For instance, will the agency be representing you exclusively? If so, you will be unable to work with any other talent agencies. On the other hand, if the agency does not require exclusive representation, you may be able to seek out other representation as well.
You should also check the terms governing the agency’s fee. For example, what percentage will you pay them for work you book? If you book a job on your own, will you still be required to pay the agency’s fee? Also, be sure to check for the term of the contract to see how long it will remain in effect and the conditions under which it can be terminated. It’s incredibly important to carefully review your contract and fully understand its provisions before signing the dotted line.
If you’re seeking representation, InnoVision Talent Agency may be able to help. We represent talent of all shapes, sizes and experience levels. Simply fill out our online talent application. Its quick and easy, and it could be just what you need to jumpstart your acting career!